Grand Mayfull is a 5 Star Luxury Hotel in Taipei, Taiwan. Grand Mayfull is located in Dazhi District, which is known to have a unique environment setting surrounded by mountains and river view. With a perfect combination of Western and Eastern Cultures in mind, Grand Mayfull provides guests with a unique experience.

Social Media Listening
Social Media Marketing - Grand Mayfull


Late 2017, Grand Mayfull contacted our team in Taiwan and asked us to help them increase their brand awareness to the western market (the United States and Europe) to help meet their business goals for 2018. One of their business goals for 2018 is to increase brand awareness internationally to help increase their room occupancy. To ensure that we meet their business goal, our team will be helping Grand Mayfull with their social media marketing to increase brand awareness and engagement. 


To ensure that Grand Mayfull’s Social Media Marketing Activities aligns with their business goals, our social media marketing team will help them with their Social Listening Activities. We will do this by engaging with all their current guests who talk about Grand Mayfull online. Our team will also monitor certain keywords related to ‘Taiwan’ and ‘Hotels’ and reach out to potential guests and key influencers who mention these words online to increase brand awareness. Finally, our social media marketing team will also consult them with all their online content and strategies to ensure that their 2018 goals are met. 


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